German author and disc jockey Wladimir Kaminer will host a dance party in Memorial Gym at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9.
The dance party, or Russendisko, will feature music from Kaminer’s native Russia and give students a look at a different culture.
“I think any student interested in how culture affects artistic capacities and development should go out and see what a Russendisko is all about,” Everett James, German club president, said. “Most students at Tech have never experienced a European dance party, let alone one with a Russian vibe.”
Julia Baker, assistant German professor, said the dance party will help students form a positive perception of Russians and make them dance.
“I believe that there are many preconceived and negative ideas about nations, countries, people floating through our universe,” Baker said. “I would like to introduce someone who grew up in Russia, who speaks with a Russian accent and who plays Russian music to make people dance to the campus community in Cookeville.”
Kaminer was born in Russia and later moved to Germany.
“Students will experience the strong Russian influence on culture which is still seen in Germany through his DJing,” James said.
Baker said the dance party is an opportunity for people to learn more about a different culture and dance.
“People don’t dance enough here,” Baker said. “People need to dance more, and this is an opportunity for them to do that.”
The event is free and open to the public.