The election is now over, and Barack Obama will be the President of the United States for four more years. Despite all the Facebook status updates and Tweets saying we need to pray for our country because of the election results and warning us of an oncoming apocalypse because of […]
Day: November 8, 2012
‘Wreck-It Ralph’ demolishes box office
#8220;Wreck-It Ralph” is an animated adventure movie that will appeal to all audiences but is nothing new when it comes to content. Ralph (John C. Reilly) has been the bad guy his whole life in the game Fix-It Felix, Jr. As the game is approaching its 30th anniversary, Ralph is […]
Tech Sports Hall of Fame inducts four new members
A crowd of 400, including many current student-athletes and a dozen members of the Hall of Fame, recognized the induction of Kenneth Fults, Janet Holt-Baker, Randy Smith and Grant Swallows into the Tennessee Tech Sports Hall of Fame Nov. 2. “The highest honor that Tennessee Tech Athletics can bestow upon […]
Tech football hosts OVC leader UT-Martin for Senior Day tomorrow
The Golden Eagle football team will host Senior Day, Military Appreciation Day and Scout Day at tomorrow’s game against the Skyhawks of the University of Tennessee at Martin at 1:30 p.m. “As seniors, we have all enjoyed a great career here together and we have represented Tech in a positive […]
College of Interdisciplinary Studies works to implement master’s program
The College of Interdisciplinary Studies is currently seeking approval for a master’s program in professional science in environmental informatics. “In July 2012, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies became a college and has recently added the School of Environmental Studies with a bachelor’s degree in environmental and sustainability studies,” Susan Elkins, […]
It is time to pray for our country, leaders
The election is finally over, and we will continue with Barack Obama as president. Many Republicans are feeling the pain of defeat and asking themselves if there was more they could have done. I too have found myself daydreaming about what Mitt Romney’s campaign could have done differently: exposing […]
What’s happening in Cookeville
The No. 1 complaint from most people on campus is, “There’s nothing to do here!” But that’s simply not true. While Cookeville isn’t a huge metropolis, the community still strives to implement new happenings of all kinds. Here are a few things you can enjoy this weekend. ‘Cabaret’– This exciting […]
Atlanta drama continues
Kicking off “Bravo’s Big Premiere Week” last Sunday, the girls of the ATL are back and throwing shade around like it’s a hot potato. Since we left off last time on season four, Kim had a baby, got married and even got a spinoff show. NeNe divorced her husband Greg […]
SAE breaks ground on Greek Row
Sigma Alpha Epsilon broke ground on a new fraternity house on Peachtree Avenue Nov. 4, putting the fraternity on Greek Row. The new location for the house was chosen because of a deal with Cookeville Regional Medical Center. The lot where the current SAE house sits on Seventh Street was […]
Students react to election results
Tech students had mixed feelings as President Barack Obama was re-elected Tuesday. “I’m not really sure how the next four years will turn out,” Kara Young, senior, said. “I’m interested to see how the health care bill is going to pan out. I hope to see improvement in the economy […]