Five weeks is a long time for the entertainment industry, so while we were enjoying our holiday these celebrities, films, and musical artists were making headlines and doing what they do best – keeping us entertained.
Award season is upon us, and over break the Oscar nominees have been announced to include recent releases like Les Misérables and Django Unchained. Silver Linings Playbook took the nominations by storm, becoming perhaps the most underestimated award winner this year. Our local theater didn’t even pick up the movie until it was Oscar nominated for Best Picture, Actor and Supporting Actor, Actress and Supporting Actress, Director, Film Editing, and Adapted Screenplay.
Kimye (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) announced a pregnancy after publicly dating since last April. West dropped the news at a concert in Atlantic City, right before New Year’s when asking the crowd to make some noise for his baby mama. Both families are incredibly supportive of the new baby.
Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o was allegedly hoaxed by a “Catfish” scam late last year and while we were on break, the real story broke out. Te’o had an online girlfriend who turned out never actually existed. The two had never met but kept a long distance relationship until her death from cancer Sept. 11, 2012. Except her death was fake too!
After Te’o learned of the hoax, he perpetuated the lie to save face and not cause a distraction for his team. Speculation on the validity of the hoax has been made, claiming that Te’o faked the whole scam for publicity or that it was a cover up for potential homosexuality. So far, nothing has been confirmed and Te’o still seems to be the victim.
After years of denial, Lance Armstrong confessed using performance enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France to Oprah Winfrey. Armstrong was stripped of his titles, lost most of his endorsements, and stepped down as chairman of the Livestrong foundation.
If all of that can happen in five weeks, who knows what this semester will bring? Let’s hope it’s just as exciting.