One out of every three women will be beaten or raped in their lifetime.
February is becoming an eventful month as the V-Day movement, designed to end violence against women, expands in Cookeville. Tony Award Winning play, ‘The Vagina Monologues’ returns as well as two new events to raise awareness.
With no time to waste, Art a la Carte located on 121 W. Broad St., hosted their first art showing devoted to the V-Day movement Friday, Feb. 1.
A large group of local women came together to create and sell artwork for the cause. Cast members from the play ‘The Vagina Monologues’ also made an appearance. A percentage of the proceeds made that day were donated to a local non-profit organization dedicated to ending violence against women.
At 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 9 students and community members are encouraged to come together on the Tech Quad for a rising/rally. One Mile for One Billion is a free event asking that we unite for a one-mile walk complete with speakers and a sneak preview of the latest Vagina Monologue.
“Anyone who wants to participate can. The V-Day movement asks that we strike dance and rise for those one billion women who have been beaten or raped,” noted Diana Lalani, a Tech women’s centers administrative associate.
Directed by Beth Thompson and Mary Boring, ‘The Vagina Monologues’ will be returning Feb. 14-16, to the Backdoor Playhouse. The cast is an array of 24 women entertaining the audience with different interpretations of what it is to be a woman.
“Tickets are first come first serve. The show is starting at 8 p.m. so I suggest arriving thirty minutes early so you can be sure to have a seat,” Mark Creter, producer and former director of ‘The Vagina Monologues.’
Tickets are $12 general admission $10 for students. All money raised will be donated to the Tennessee Task Force Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.