Tennessee Tech University Student Government Association passed “Outreach Act of 2013” in their first meeting of the semester.
The Outreach Act of 2013 creates monthly “town hall” meetings so that students can be more involved with the decisions and actions of SGA.
Senator for the College of Agriculture and Human Ecology Elissa McLerran created the “Outreach Act of 2013” in order to make SGA more assessable to the students and to create a better sense of campus community.
“We as SGA know what’s going on and sometimes that gets portrayed and filtered out, but when we have almost 12,000 students we need to be more visible,” said McLerran.
McLerran wants the meetings to be at a time and place that is most accessible to students to promote attendance.
Town hall meetings will be once a month and at least one representative from each college and executive council will be present to hear what the students have to say.
The monthly time, date and place of the town meetings is to be announced.