Coming out of October, ‘Gravity’, ‘Captain Phillips’, ’12 Years a Slave’, and ‘Bad Grandpa’ were the clear winners. Each sustained great critical acclaim, box office success, and, minus ‘Bad Grandpa’, they all are straight shots to plenty of nominations come award season this winter.
November is not slowing down with its releases. Listed below are the films I believe will create the most buzz this month and are worth checking out.
‘Last Vegas’
A film that looks like an older version of ‘The Hangover’, starring Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, and Kevin Kline is going to be one of two things. It is either going to be a hit and or a complete hot mess. Now, all four of these very accomplished actors are American treasures at the movies, but that doesn’t mean their resumes are perfect. Based on the trailer, the film looks to be a fun time and full of laugh out loud moments. I am going in with high hopes, and hopefully the film will deliver. ‘Last Vegas’ opens in theaters tonight and is ratedPG-13 on appeal for sexual content and language.
‘About Time’
At the age of 21, Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson) discovers he can travel in time. The night after another disappointing New Year’s party, Tim’s father (Bill Nighy) tells his son that the men in his family have always had the ability to travel through time. Tim cannot change history, but he can change what happens and has happened in his own life. He decides to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend ( Rachel McAdams).
Am I the only one who thinks Rachel McAdams has been in every dramedy that has to do with time traveling and memory loss? Nonetheless, it looks like this movie will be another hit for moviegoers looking to be brought to tears. I’m not going to hate too much, as I am very intrigued and will watch it. I’m a sucker for films about time traveling. ‘About Time’ is rated R for language and some sexual content and it arrives in select theaters today, with a wide release on Nov. 8.
‘The Best Man Holiday’
Finally, this film is coming to theaters. We are finally getting a sequel 14 years after the first film, ‘The Best Man’. Let us rejoice that something is right in the world. Now, I am going to show some bias here and say that this film is going to be a hit. Fans of the original have been waiting long enough and, in 14 years, it has gained new fans, I’m sure. The original clan is back together and reunited for the holidays, with new rivalries and romances ignited. ‘The Best Man Holiday’ will be released to theaters on November 15 and is rated R for language, sexual content and brief nudity.
‘Dallas Buyers Club’
Matthew McConaughey is going to be nominated at awards season for something. Either for his role in the successful ‘Mud’ earlier in the year, his role in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ that is to be released on Christmas Day, or this film will get him on the awards ballot. In ‘Dallas Buyers Club’, McConaughey portrays the role of homophobic party boy and Texas electrician Ron Woodroof. He is diagnosed with HIV and is given 30 days to live. He begins taking the drug AZT, approved by the FDA, the only legal drug available in the U.S. The drug almost kills him, which leads him to a battle with the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies after his diagnosis. With the help of his doctor, Eve Saks (Jennifer Garner), and a fellow patient, Rayon (Jared Leto), Ron create the Dallas Buyers Club, one of the dozens which would form around the country, providing its paying members with alternative treatments. The clubs, growing in numbers and clientele, were brought to the attention of the FDA and pharmaceutical companies, which waged an all out war on Ron.
The film is flying under the radar, so far, but the trailer and early reviews are great signs. Garner and Leto also star and are garnering praise for their work, especially Leto. ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ will be released on Nov. 8, with a wide release of Nov. 22, and is rated R for pervasive language, some strong sexual content, nudity and drug use.
Josh Brolin stars as Joe Doucett, a man who is kidnapped for no reason and held prisoner for twenty years in solitary confinement. Out of nowhere he is released, and he then sets out on a revenge filled mission to find the person responsible for his imprisonment. He finds that his life is still caught in conspiracy and torment.
The film looks as though it will extremely intense, exciting, and filled with action throughout.
‘Oldboy’ is rated R for strong violence including scenes of torture, sexuality and pervasive language.
November looks to be a crazy good time at the movies. I will be at a theater every weekend, sometimes more than once. Two films that are to be released, but do not need a description because most anyone knows about them are ‘Thor: The Dark World” and ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” They will be released on Nov. 10 and Nov. 22, respectively, and I will be all over both those like white on rice. I suspect half of America will be in the same boat. Other films to keep an eye on are ‘The Book Thief’ and ‘Nebraska’. All upcoming film releases, news, and trailers can be found at comingsoon.net.