Each week, I wait with baited breath for the next Oracle to be printed and rush to feel the antiquated pulp between my hands, the smell that only independent print can offer, but most importantly the Opinion page. I love seeing how these authors, presumably the most articulate and distinguished that this learning institution has to offer, think.
Each issue, I skip the sports and national news, jumping directly to the two opposing views on such a hot topic, from religion to budgets, and how the authors rectify their views with their shared reality.
As of late, however, the writings found on this page have turned away from opinion journalism and now read like a LiveJournal (Or Tumblr for those less ancient readers); it is limited factual knowledge, sparse facts, and gross misunderstanding of the basic premise of the question that the hooded Management slid under each’s door. Miss Brown even goes as far as to say “I have no opinion on military so here is my opinion on the military.”
This is not an attack on Miss Brown’s writing or her opinions on the largest cost to American citizens. This is an attack on the regression of this publication. Where are the topics that actually matter to us as future leaders?
Why are we discussing ROTC while 1,500 families in America have realized 95 percent of the increase of wealth since 2008? Where is the forum for debating why Cookeville is the 6th poorest region in the nation, with a median salary of barely above poverty? Who decided that a topic, that while meaningful to a specific few, is worth discussing over the class warfare that is being not only fought by all of us here but that is being egged on by those who are to blame?
I understand that if we talked about this every issue, it would get stale. However, with the GOP seeking to destroy a constitutional law that was the love child of Republicans for over 40 years and with an economy in shambles, perhaps there are more important topics to discuss other than how a select few people are affected on such a local level. But that’s just, like, my opinion man.