What is a holiday without family? What would the holidays be without commercials selling all the toys a kid could want? I would love to find out one day.
It wasn’t all that long ago we enjoyed holidays without obnoxious commercials one right after the other. It was a time when we could all just enjoy our families; even the terrifying aunt who always pinches your cheeks even after you have turned 20.
Thanksgiving and Christmas have been mightily abused by marketing schemes and money grubbing big companies who want people to go into debt over the toy that their kid “has to have.” They make commercials that appeal to the kids and parents don’t have much of a chance when it comes to their kids and the pleading look or horrendous spelling errors on their Christmas list.
Admit it, unless you have a backbone made of steel, it is hard to resist a kid at Christmas. I love getting presents, too, but I also understand the need for a budget during this holiday season. Don’t go broke over me, please.
I do have a solution. Maybe it is time to teach children what it is to give instead of receive. Make it a family project.
I know that I can’t afford to buy anything for my three nephews and one niece, but I can give them memories that last longer than the hard plastic toy that will go into the next garage sale.
Memories, not toys, are what will last because they become the legacy.
I am planning on getting a box of plain ornaments and having my nephews make ornaments for our family. I want them to understand that it is better to give than to receive. I want them to have fun and enjoy the memories.
So this is my rebellion against the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving. My holidays will be spent with my family, not me spending all my money for a few moments of smiles until someone breaks their toy.