Tennessee Tech pedestrians may see new crosswalks in the near future.
The Student Government Association passed “The Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvement and Addition Act of 2014,” a new bill that would improve the condition of current crosswalks and create new crosswalks on campus in an effort to avoid traffic accidents involving pedestrians.
“I feel like the crosswalks we have now are adequate,” said Darius Berry, junior. “It’s more a matter of people using them correctly. (https://www.kambioeyewear.com/) ”
Some of the locations mentioned when discussing the bill were Willow Avenue, where many students cross from their apartments daily, the commuter lot behind Tucker Stadium and on West Seventh Street near the nursing building and residence halls on the same street.
“The Goodwill Act of 2014,” another bill that senate passed, will give students an opportunity to donate anything they no longer need at the end of the semester. The bill would bring Goodwill trailers to the parking lots of New Hall North and Ellington and Warf during dead week.
“I believe that Goodwill trailers are a good idea because students always have things that they would throw out or just not use anymore,” Kierna Mason, senior. “If they could give it to a good cause, to someone who could make use of it, then why not?”
Both bills passed the senate unanimously.