People shuffling, drinks spilling, hearts breaking, and you’re there. You're a person who enjoys football; you drove all the way to the stadium with tickets you spent months laboring over. You take a breath and enjoy the chaos of the moment. You’re there for a game and simply that. She […]
Month: February 2015
Tech receives praise for veteran assistance
Tennessee Tech is the first school to be named as a “VETS (Veterans Education Transition Support) campus” by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. Tech administers orientation programs for veterans, facilitates support programs, provides potential program credit for skills and provides a campus survey to help identify the needs, issues and […]
One Billion Rising event to stand against violence
Tennessee Tech will join activists worldwide and take part in its third annual “One Billion Rising for Revolution” event Thursday, Feb. 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tech’s Women’s Center will co-host this gathering on North Patio of Roaden University Center. One in three women across the world will […]
Students, community face Death at Dawn
As of 6:30 this morning, about 50 Cookeville residents left Tucker Stadium as they completed their two week challenge, “Death at Dawn.” The event includes, “a lot of running, a lot of cold, a lot of sleep derivation, but it’s worth it for the T-shirt,” senior psychology student Alex Campbell […]