Freshman Hype – TTU Freshman preparing to perform the traditional "Running of the Freshman" Photo by Abbey Markus
Tucker Stadium’s field flooded with a rush of purple shirts on Aug. 31 for the 5th annual Running of the Freshman.
“It's a great way to kick off the football season by allowing the new freshmen students to lead our football team out on the field for the first home game,” Allen Mullis, New Student and Family Programs Director, said.
The first 800 freshmen who arrived at the event received a free Running of the Freshman T-shirt that they wear as they stormed onto the field of Tucker Stadium.
“We were pretty much toward the front, it was awesome running with my classmates, it's a really good tradition I think,” freshman Jarrett Kilgore said.
Running of the Freshmen wraps up the Week of Welcome for the 2017 Fall semester.