ADPi and Sig Ep won the float competition with their Minnie and Mickey themed float
Members of Tennessee Tech’s Greek organizations raised $61,830 for Children’s Miracle Network during homecoming 2017, organizers said.
Throughout the week, the staff of the Office of Student Activities sponsored event nights with the goal of bringing the Greek community closer together. Traditionally, one sorority and one fraternity paired for the competitions.
Competition highlights include:
- Delta Phi Epsilon and FIJI won the skit night event on Oct. 31.
- The first TTU Miracle Night on Nov. 3 featured field games, booths, music and speeches from children and their families who benefit from CMN.
- Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Gamma donated the largest amount of canned goods – 24 pounds per member.
- Kappa Delta and Sigma Chi placed first in the banner competition with Awesome Eagle appearing with The Flintstones characters.
“I’ve always known how amazing Greek life is, but when we all came together and raised over $60,000 for Children’s Miracle Network, it was amazing,” Kinsley Cronan, homecoming representative for Delta Gamma, said. “I think giving Greek life a common goal to strive towards really unites us as a community.”
The homecoming parade was on Nov. 4. The annual tradition featured the TTU Golden Eagle Marching Band, high school marching bands, local officials and floats. This year, the floats were smaller and made with panels of plywood instead of 3-D fixtures.
Members of Greek life, campus organizations and academic departments created the floats. Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon won the float completion. Their design showcased Mickey and Minnie Mouse under this year’s theme “Cartoon Mania.”
Homecoming Week finished on Saturday at Tucker Stadium. Austin Peay State University Governors won 35-28 to claim the Sgt. York Trophy for the year.
During halftime, Mason Hilliard of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Emily Bass of Delta Phi Epsilon were crowned Mr. and Miss TTU. FIJI and DPhiE claimed the title of overall homecoming champions.