Elliott Toney | Reporter
A fire forced students to evacuate New Hall South on March 23 due to an electrical malfunction with one of the clothes dryers, officials said.
No injuries were reported, however, law enforcement officers did have to contend with a student who initially refused to identify himself and leave the building.
Campus police Lt. Mike Lambert and Officer Megan Watson responded to a fire alarm and assisted in help student supervisors clear the building. (https://www.whitestallion.com/)
Watson reported confronting a student Zachery Jones, who reportedly refused to leave the building. Jones reported he was waiting on a female student who had been taking a shower, according to the report.
Jones refused to identify himself to the officer and resisted when Watson’s began an attempt to physically remove him from the building, according to the report.
Jones eventually showed his student identification card to a hall supervisor, according to the report.
Lambert said Jones would be referred to the Dean of Students and Residential Life for possible disciplinary actions, according to the report.