Student on the street: Students offer opinions on Saudi Arabia being a credible source after the death of Jamal Khashoggi and the impact on America
Jamal Khashoggi was an influential Saudi Arabian journalist who wrote against governmental policies and went missing soon after Oct. 2. Khashoggi was allegedly confirmed as dead on Oct. 19 by the Saudi Arabian government who claims he died in a fist fight at the consulate which is where he was last seen. Changes in the Saudi government’s story has led to skepticism on them being a credible source, and as a result the CIA has launched their own investigation. (
All photos by Nathan Comer.

“I trust governments only slightly more than I trust corporations. I don’t trust corporations.” -Shea James, communication major

“I don’t necessarily think an attack on a journalist would lead to this kind of behavior being replicated by the U.S. I think it’s important to point at stuff and be like this thing that’s happening, it can’t happen anywhere else because if you don’t someone else might try it. When it comes to taking their word for it, I don’t think that their word alone should be accepted.” – Cole Heaton, computer science major

“Because America is founded on the principle of free speech. I mean certainly where he was they have different ideals. I feel like a killing like that would only happen here if government and society had reached the point where the government would have to take control to preserve its own existence.” -Connor Naughton, criminal justice major

“I’d like to say the Saudi Arabian government is credible, but at this point as far as I see it there is no way to prove they are or aren’t.” -Ivan Emrich, biology major

“In terms of their credibility of explaining what happened to him, I don’t think they can be trusted. Also, if they are willing to do that to their own, how far are they willing to go if it was a journalist not from that country and how would it be investigated? ”-Sydnee Mills, psychology major.