Angelo and Jennette Volpe Library. Photo by Naomi Harmon
A decision to close the Volpe Library two hour earlier left some students dissatisfied according to a poll conducted online.
The library previously closed at 2 a.m.
Changes in the library’s hours are due to less attendance after midnight as well as a cut in the library’s budget, Dean Doug Bates said.
“Another factor was the availability of a 24-hour computer lab in Henderson Hall 111 which is accessible with a student’s Eagle Card,” Bates said.
Respondents said the new hours, instituted at the beginning of this semester, forced them to change their study habits.
“I think it’s unfair to students like myself who took advantage of those extra two hours and used them for studying,” junior engineering student Peyton Mitchell said. “However, I do acknowledge the fact that there are a few student lounges across campus that are open 24 hours, but most of them do not have a printer in them, so that doesn’t fully solve the problem.”
Students voted for the topic of this story in a poll posted to The Oracle’s Twitter page. The polls generate student opinion-oriented content, and are posted on Twitter @tntechoracle every other Sunday. Of the 86 votes cast, 40 percent were in favor of the library hours option.
Some respondents were not affected by the change.
“I use the library but I am usually out of there before midnight,” junior engineering student Jordan Muller said. “Outside of finals week I don’t know that too many students are affected.”
President Phil Oldham addressed the changes at the chat with the president event on Oct. 25.
“My understanding is that the library staff had been monitoring this for an extended period of time and just came to the conclusion that there weren’t enough students utilizing the library during those midnight to 2 a.m. hours,” Oldham said. “I’m sure that the library leadership will be more than happy to continue to reevaluate that.”
Library hours are scheduled to be extended to 2 a.m. for finals week from Dec. 5 to Dec 11, with the exception of closing at 10 p.m. on Dec.10, according to Tech’s website,
Volpe Library fall 2018 hours:
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 p.m.- midnight |
7 a.m.- midnight |
7 a.m.- midnight |
7 a.m.- midnight |
7 a.m.- midnight |
7 a.m.- 6 p.m. |
10 a.m.- 6 p.m. |