Counseling center officials say they want students struggling with mental health, relationships and personal issues to utilize on-campus resources.
Officials provide services in personal counseling, academic skill enhancement, career exploration, crisis services, couples and marital counseling, group counseling, substance abuse, workshops, outreach and consultation.
Outreach coordinator Ashley Gilbert said that all services are free to any Tech student.
Gilbert said students can take mental health screenings through the center’s page on Tech’s website to pinpoint problem areas and gauge the severity.
“The mental health screenings are quick and easy. It’s a great way to see if counseling services would be beneficial for you or if you’re at a good place with your current routine,” Gilbert said.
The center is located in RUC Room 307. Students can schedule an appointment in person, over the phone at (931) 372-3331 or through the Eagle Wellness Portal on Tech’s website.
Students showed interest in learning about the counseling center’s resources by voting for this topic in a poll posted to The Oracle’sTwitter page. The polls generate student opinion-oriented content, and are posted on Twitter @tntechoracle every other Sunday. Fifty-six percent of the 41 votes favored the option related to mental health resources.
Gilbert said the center offers an after-hours hotline for students in crisis. The hotline is reachable by calling the center’s regular number or (855) 206-8997.
“Thankfully the university saw the need for this after-hours service so we have been able to fund the hotline,” Gilbert said.
Gilbert offered advice for students feeling apprehensive about receiving counseling.
“I always recommend that people not only think of us as counselors, but just as friends and someone they can vent to,” Gilbert said. “We make it a point to maintain a professional atmosphere while also making sure students feel at home.”
John Oxley, senior communication student, said he benefitted from the center’s resources.
“It has really helped me,” Oxley said. “It’s been nice to be able to have someone I can basically vent to. Someone who doesn’t know me so they are unbiased and will tell me what I need to hear… making an appointment is the first step.”
The counseling center is open from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday –Friday. The center closes from noon to 1 p.m. for lunch.