With spring break a week away, many students look forward to the week-long vacation from classes. Tech students share their plans for the week.

“I’m actually working on my senior thesis. It’s about clays from Kenya-clay minerals. We’re trying to figure out if there was a monsoon that affected apes in the region 10-20 million years ago. The monsoon climate could have affected these apes and how they evolved.”
-Hunter Summers, senior geology major.
Photo by Rebecca Franey

“I’m going hiking in the middle of nowhere in the mountains-probably the Smokies.”
-Emily Plattner, senior nursing major.
Photo by Rebecca Franey

“I plan on going home and spending some time with my family but I also plan to look for some job opportunities and contact some places for summer work. And, of course, try not to get consumed by my constant mass of homework.”
-Cheyenne Thompson, junior cellular molecular biology major.
Photo by Brian Johnson

“My plans for spring break are to work full-time at a doctor’s office in Hermitage and save up money to pay off my new car. It’s not very exciting. I’m cross-training to be a nurse at the moment working in reception.”
-Bobbi Ballard, junior nursing major.
Photo by Rebecca Franey.

“I plan to catch up on some stuff I’ve been neglecting for senior design. I’ve got a project with Bridgestone and they need a material handling object for some assemblies.”
-Matthew Sorrow, senior mechanical engineer major.
Photo by Rebecca Franey.

“I’m taking a trip to Utah to go mountain biking in the Moab area. We’re going to spend a few days biking and exploring the national parks there.”
-Trevor Inman, senior mechanical engineer major.
Photo by Rebecca Franey.