A crew works on the new fitness center.
A webcam outside the new Recreational and Fitness Center allows viewers to see the construction progress.
The center is the second-largest building on campus, compared with the new Lab Sciences Building.
Construction started in March and is expected to be completed next spring.
“The actual date of completion may be affected by weather as well as other issues,” Dewayne Wright, senior director of public relations said.
The center includes three aerobic studios, three basketball gyms, a climbing wall, a golf simulator. New aquatic programs include deep water aerobics and canoe and kayak training.
The weight room has tripled in size from 4,000-square-feet at the old fit to 12,000-square-feet at the new center. An elevated track with a 5 percent incline and a 6,000 square foot cardio room also are included in the plans, Wright said.
Watch the construction at https://app.oxblue.com/open/denark/tennesseetech.