Students offer opinions on one thing they wish Tech had.

“One thing that Tech should have is the bird scooters. You could put your eagle card in there and connect it so you could just ride to class on scooters. It would be pretty convenient, and it would help the parking out,” Slater Howard, sophomore, exercise science.

“I think if they make more parking because people that live off campus have to walk, like me I have to walk to campus everyday and I think it would be easier to have more parking,” JayQuan Coles, sophomore, communications.

“Parking because I haven’t been able to get a parking spot since freshman year,” Whitney Gammon, junior, early education.

“I want to say something other than parking because I know everyone else will probably say that. I think better or stronger wifi would help a lot with creating assignments on time and getting them done quickly,” Tyler Pope, junior, general management.

“I think if we had a pool at Tennessee Tech that would really enhance the experience of Tennessee Tech, and I would also like if we had a lazy river. A leisure pool would be nice and it would be fun for summer classes,” Mason Earls, sophomore, basic business.

“I think that would make Tech a lot better is if students would stay up here on the weekend more just because I think it’s like a suitcase college in a sense that everybody goes home on the weekends. The more that people are up here and having a good time then I guess it’s better. I think that also maybe the community could have some things to help and encourage students to stay here on the weekends and that would be good,” Paul Tribble, senior, mechanical engineering.