“Have you been keeping up with the 2020 presidential race?”
“No, I’m not really keeping up with it. Maybe just on Twitter. I’m not really sure who I’m voting for. I mean, I’m a Republican, but I’m not gonna say “I’m voting for Trump 100%”. If somebody else comes along that’s maybe similar, maybe not. I haven’t even kept up with it that much,” Austin Johnson, civil engineering.“Not really, no. Knowing that this is the first year that I can vote, I need to actually look into it. But I haven’t yet,” Brookelyn Davis, business management.“I have not kept up with it. I am very much not attached to the news in any way which is a good and bad thing. I actually just turned 18. I’m still super new to all of that so the goal is to get more involved in that and understand more about it before I just jump into it,” Kate Laulo, business management.“I am registered to vote. If I can get caught up on the information then I plan on voting in the primary. I’m not keeping up with it closely though. I honestly don’t even know who is running, I know that’s really bad,” Emily Schleicher, nursing.“Not really. I wish I were more up to date with it. There are a couple of things I have read about but it was in the very beginning. There’s so many people. I’m a Democrat so I’m looking more towards those candidates but as of right now, they’re all kind of crappy. And like I said, I haven’t done as much research as I would want to so I haven’t really decided which way I would lean as of right now,” Yasamen Rahimi, nursing.“I think I’ve been keeping up with it probably more than other people I know. I think I’ve watched all of the debates, they’re pretty interesting for the most part. I do follow a few of the candidates on social media as well. I think Elizabeth Warren is a really good candidate that I would root for. I’m an education major so on a very surface level, she speaks to me because she was an educator at one point,” Payton Womack, elementary education.