The 90th Tech homecoming looked a little different this year. Tech’s virtual and socially distanced homecoming week took place Nov. 9-13.
In total Tech had 10 events and competitions. The winners for each competition and the overall winners were announced in an empty Tucker Stadium on Friday. The ceremony was exactly like previous years except for the fact that the only people in the stands were the family members of the Mr. and Ms. Tennessee Tech nominees.
The annual homecoming parade had to be cancelled this year because of COVID-19 concerns. Instead they held a “reverse parade.” Organizations designed displays on the quad for students and the campus community to walk through. Alpha Delta Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha, as well as Delta Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta all tied for best display.
To replace the annual banner contest this year Tech held a Tech pride social media competition. Organizations submitted social media graphics displaying their Tech pride. Jobe and Murphy residents halls won the competition.

They substituted the canned food drive for a food pantry crowdfunding competition. Phi Mu and Kappa Sigma raised the most money for the food pantry and won this competition. In total, $19,763 were raised for the food pantry.
Tech also held a cornhole tournament for student organizations to participate in. Phi Mu and Kappa Sigma took home their second win in the cornhole tournament.
The 2020 Mr. and Ms. Tennessee Tech winners were also announced in the mock half-time show. Jackson Williams and Caroline Heck were crowned the winners by 2019 Mr. and Ms. Tennessee Tech, Brady Hancock and Brookland Gordon.
The overall winners for the 2020 homecoming were Alpha Delta Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha.
Tech didn’t just have competitions during this year’s homecoming. On Monday, SGA SOLO hosted a virtual Q&A with comedian John Mulaney. On Tuesday, the sociology and criminal justice club, and the peer empowerment program hosted a virtual Criminal Minds: fact or fiction event. On Wednesday, SGA SOLO hosted a virtual trivia night for students. On Thursday, SGA SOLO hosted another virtual Q&A with comedian Tiffany Haddish.
Homecoming week closed Friday night as the winners of the competitions relished in their victories. Tech plans to return to a traditional homecoming in 2021.