The Center of Diversity Education, or CODE, is an organization at Tech that was founded by student athletes in the fall of 2020. The prime goal of the organization is to promote unity through diversity and to bring student athletes from different backgrounds together.
Jamaal Thompson, junior football and basketball player and member of CODE, joined the organization because it gives student athletes a voice and an opportunity to fellowship with other student athletes at Tech.
“CODE is a family. Prior to it, student athletes did not really get to be around one another very often because of busy schedules… however, with CODE, it has allowed more unity amongst athletes,” Thompson said.
Thompson also said that the organization is very important to him because of the influence they are having on the university and the community.
“This organization means everything to me. To see the change that we have prompted in such a short amount of time, as well as the personal individual growth within my CODE family, means the world to me,” Thompson said.

Chanel Bishop, a sophomore on the track team, said establishing CODE at Tech was important because of recent social events and the university’s lack of talking about issues related to social and racial injustice.
“With all of the social injustices that have taken place over the years, I feel like it was very necessary to establish CODE here at Tech because the school is predominately white and a lot of these issues weren’t being talked about,” Bishop said.
Bishop also said that Black History Month is important to the CODE organization, but that it is not just important in this month.
“Yes, Black history month is important to our organization but… Black history and culture is not just important for this month. What we do and what we stand for is important year round,” Bishop said.
Black History Month is important for Thompson as well. He said that it is crucial for minority student-athletes to know their history and to respect it, and that the key to the future is knowing the past.
“As mostly minority student-athletes, it is imperative to not only know our history but also respect it. We have no chance at seeking and pursuing our future if we don’t, first, acknowledge our past…our past is one of beauty… it is unique and rich in culture,” Thompson said.
Though CODE primarily caters to student-athletes, all Tech students are welcome. To learn more or to become involved in the organization visit their Twitter (@CODETNTech) or Instagram (c.o.d.e.tntech).
Caption for photo: The Center of Diversity Education, CODE, is made up of student-athletes from across all campus sports and promotes unity through diversity on campus and in the community.