Tri-Beta is not a fraternity or sorority. Rather, it is a national biological honor society with a chapter at Tech. The club has big plans as it looks to grow, inviting biology students and enthusiasts alike.
“So, Tri-Beta, it’s also called the Beta Beta Beta club, but it’s just easier to say Tri-Beta. It is a national biological honor society, so this is recognized across the country,” said Secretary Clarice Kieser. “We appreciate biological processes; we like to do community service. That’s part of the requirements of the national chapters is to do community service.”
The club has put a large focus on community service. Last February, the club connected virtually and created Valentine’s Day cards for residents of a local nursing home.
Tri-Beta is also considering becoming a partner of Be the Match, which is a national organization that helps those with blood cancers find bone marrow donors. As a partner, they could connect members of the community with those who are in need of a bone marrow transplant.
“We’re really wanting to focus on the service aspect of doing this. Like, you know, community service and picking an organization that we can partner with, such as Be the Match,” said Treasurer Morgan Dearnbarger.
The club also provides members with exciting event opportunities. One event that the club held earlier this semester was a brewery tour at Red Silo.
“The owner of Red Silo is actually a chemist, and so he took us back there, showed us everything. Those who were over 21 got to try some samples,” said Kieser.
Tri-Beta’s upcoming events include a Friendsgiving, which will take place on Nov. 17. Also planned is a fundraiser at Crepe and Crème just outside of campus. The date will be announced soon.
If you’re a biology student or just interested in biology, you can contact Tri-Beta on Instagram @ttutribetaclub or through email at ttutribeta@gmail.com.