

Fitting exercise into your schedule

Work-life balance is nonexistent in college, but that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your physical health. Here are some ways to take care of yourself, even with the class crunch.   First, how much free time do you have for working out? Less than 30 minutes? On days when […]


Fine Arts Inquiry

Many disheartening ideas surround fine arts: you won’t get a job, if you do it won’t pay well, and you’ll regret it. Between the student debt crisis and the starving artist dilemma, fine arts seems to be a risky choice. However, the horizon is not as bleak as it seems. […]


Opinion: IDEA Course Evaluations

Teaching is hard; effective teaching is even more arduous. It is also exhilarating and exciting, especially when students experience those light bulb moments! Even though we are considered experts in our fields, teaching can sometimes be an unwieldy beast! Sure, we have all been to school and we know effective […]