
Tech to revamp building letter code system

The University’s campus building abbreviations are changing, with the first being Derryberry Hall’s sign by Feb. 21.

Tech has used a two-letter abbreviation system for building names for several years. The new building abbreviations will use three and four letter codes to prevent potential confusion caused by the two-letter system. 

The changes follow Tennessee Board of Regents’ implementation of a new physical facilities inventory system, which began in Summer 2011.

“I think people will find that the three and four character abbreviations are a lot easier to understand than the old system we had,” Jim Cobb, Campus Safety & Environmental Services director and interim director of Projects, said.

The Admissions Office was the first to receive printed maps with the new codes. These maps will be handed out to prospective students visiting campus.

“One of the things I looked at when I came around campus was that, as an outsider, I had trouble determining where to go,” Jack Butler, Facilities and Business Services associate vice president, said.

“I didn’t have any directional signs. In a car, when I was driving by, T-signs were nice; but it’s hard to see that going by at 20 miles an hour. So I’m trying to get us to refocus on the customer’s side of the viewpoint.

“It’s for visitors, family, parents and prospective students who are coming here just visiting. That’s what we’re gearing up toward. It’s all about the external visitors on campus and how we can make it easier on them to get around campus.”

Changes are being made to the building codes on printed and online maps, records, student schedules and on other printed materials.

The signs posted in front of campus buildings will be refurbished and the new four-letter abbreviations will replace the two-letter codes in the bottom right corners.

The rest of the signs on campus should be completed by fall.