Do you suffer from a muffin-top or jeans that don’t curve with the shape of your body? Try buying jeans that flatter your personal body type. There are so many different body shapes that the idea that one style of jeans will be right for everyone is unrealistic. One significant […]
Day: February 23, 2012
Album Review: fun., “Some Nights”
#8220;Some Nights,” the second album from indie pop trio fun., was released Feb. 21 and holds its own against its hard-to-follow 2009 counterpart, “Aim and Ignite.” Avoiding stagnancy through a tasteful experimentation with new sounds, the slower-paced release does not radically depart from what listeners adore and expect from fun. […]
“This Means War”: Just a corny catastrophe
#8220;This Means War” puts a tacky, macho CIA man spin on a story that has been told countless times before. Lauren, played by Reese Witherspoon, is a single woman whose best friend Trish, played by Chelsea Handler, takes Lauren’s love life into her own hands and makes Lauren a profile […]
Chris Brown still getting away with too much
If you watched the Grammy Awards broadcast earlier this month, then you saw—among the weird techno-number with Deadmau5 in the mouse ears, a trippy Nicki Minaj performance, and Adele cashing in on her exes and putting everyone else to shame—not one, but two songs featuring singer Chris Brown. You may […]
Technology hates students
Is it just me, or is technology becoming a major problem for college students? We’re surrounded by it all the time. Our phones, our laptops, our tablets and whatever else they have out there have all become essential to everyday life. I spend more time sitting in front of a […]
Custodians deserve our gratitude
Just recently, my parents received a save-the-date for a banquet in honor of Dr. Bell. Yay. I believe instead of doing something for Dr. Bell it is time to do something for the people who clean up after us, set things up for us and generally make sure we all […]
Bicyclist struck by vehicle on campus
Tech Police responded to a call at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 20, involving a collision between a bicyclist and a car. The incident occurred at the intersection between Clement and Lewis Halls. “It was a nice, clear day,” Gay Shepherd, Tech police chief, said. “The lady that was driving was very […]
SOLO Super Fund lacks student group participation
SGA’s Student Organization Life Opportunity Bill General Operating Fund has excess funds available to students and student groups. The SOLO Bill is designed provide Tech students with more than a concert each semester. The bill is divided into two sections, the Super and the General Funds. The Super Fund, which […]
Women’s rugby team in works to become a Tech organization
A women’s rugby team is forming at Tech. According to Veronica Sublett, women’s rugby captain, rugby is a contact sport, but there aren’t any physical requirements to being a rugby player. “The one thing people say is that they’re too small,” Sublett said. “You’re never too small. I’m 5-foot-2.” Sublett […]
Community voices opinion on future president
Tech hosted an open forum Feb. 17 for the Cookeville community to speak about what they want in a new president and to ask the Greenwood/Asher & Associates Inc. search firm about the process. “We do not worry about numbers, we worry about quality of candidates,” Betty Asher, Greenwood/Asher & […]