Tech’s Residential Life Office plans to set sail for the second annual Cardboard Boat Race at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23 in the Fitness Center pool.
Residence halls will compete against one another by making and racing cardboard boats. A panel of judges will score the boats on different categories like best looking, titanic and fastest.
“This is a fun and friendly competition,” said Allen Nichols, assistant coordinator. “We want to influence hall pride and people taking pride in their halls. That’s what these events are for is to get students to know other residence in their halls and get them to participate together.”
Loren Meledandri, Crawford Hall resident assistant, explained that the hall has been working daily on its cardboard boat and its strategy is not about how fast it can be but to not sink.
“Crawford has been in the lead since last semester, and were going to win, it’s the best hall and girls are going to win,” Meledandri said.
The winner of the boat races will receive points towards the Tech Cup, a competition between the residence halls, made up of multiple events throughout the year. The residence hall that wins the Tech cup will receive an award, still undecided.
Nichols said, “I would love for anyone to come out and support. All of the halls will be participating and last year we had a big turn out and that’s what we are anticipating this year. We hope it will be even bigger than last year.”