Tech Police responded to a call at 2:30 p.m. Feb. 20, involving a collision between a bicyclist and a car.
The incident occurred at the intersection between Clement and Lewis Halls.
“It was a nice, clear day,” Gay Shepherd, Tech police chief, said. “The lady that was driving was very upset that this bicycle ran into her car.”
Although were no serious injuries to either party, the approximate amount of damage caused is unknown. The police report was not available to the public, as the investigation is still pending.
“Students on bicycles still have to follow the same traffic laws that apply to all motorists,” Shepherd said. “They have to stop at all stop signs, yield to the right of way when it’s not their turn and basically just be aware of their surroundings.”
Shepherd said the old saying “check both ways before crossing the road” still applies to students who are simply walking on campus.
“Students that might be running late for class or something like that need to be cautious of others on the sidewalks and streets,” Shepherd said.
A safety tip for students using bicycles to travel around Tech would be to use reflectors in order to decrease the chances of not being seen. Also, traveling at night increases the odds of a potential accident due to low visibility levels.
For more safety information, please visit