Carolina Hatfield Italy always has been known for its savory cuisine: spaghetti, pizza and pasta galore. Their sweeter side runs a close race, as a trip to Italy is not complete without tiramisu and gelato. But many people don’t know about one of Italy’s best-kept culinary traditions, the secret night […]
Day: December 6, 2018
Review: Diablo 3 for Nintendo Switch
I had spent quite a lot of time on Diablo 3 when it released on PS4 some years back, and while at first I enjoyed it, I eventually began to grow to dislike it quite a bit. Now that it was on a system that is technically portable, I thought […]
Review: “Dark Souls Remastered”
ldquo;Dark Souls” is a now iconic franchise that became Bandai Namco’s highest selling series of all time, despite its notoriously brutal difficulty. And while many hail the first entry in the series to be the best, it often comes from overlooking several of the games serious flaws. Flaws that along […]
Video: An interview with Ron Borden, ROTC recruiter
Tennessee Tech students, in conjunction with The Oracle and Eagle View Productions sat down with Ron Borden, recruiting and operations officer for Tech's ROTC battalion.
Video: A Tennessee Tech love story
In this interview, Humans of Tennessee Tech students interview Katherine Terry Clark. Terry Clark met her late husband A.C. Clark at Tennessee Tech and they fell in love and eventually got married. (
Opinion: Don’t play Christmas music in November
Holidays and seasons already tend to bleed together, and it doesn’t help that seemingly every store starts blasting Christmas music the day after Halloween. Cracker Barrel and Hobby Lobby both probably stocked their Christmas-related goods in August, and I’m sure that playing Christmas music as soon as they can helps […]
A Golden Eagle Abroad: Florence, a stop back in time
Carolina Hatfield Before going to Florence a few weeks ago, I had no expectations or any idea of what it would be like. My friend and I arrived on a Friday evening, but started our weekend adventure bright and early Saturday morning. Our first stop on the list was to […]
A Golden Eagle Abroad: Thanksgiving in Italy
Carolina Hatfield Not being home for the holiday season can be one of the hardest parts of studying abroad. The fall and winter season bring much celebration and festivities, from hayrides and pumpkin patches at Halloween, to baking sweets with your family at Christmas, the season is greatly missed if […]
Video: Interviews with Tennessee Tech Baja SAE team members
Members of Eagle View productions toured the Tennessee Tech Baja SAE shop and interviewed some of its members.
PODCAST: Humans of Tennessee Tech with Dr. Graham and Bettye Kash
In this interview, Dr. Graham Kash, a Tennessee Tech University Professor, and his wife, Dr. Bettye Kash, a retired professor, share the story of their love through fond memories, folk music and seamless harmonies. Transcript: LAUREN CLARK: Today we will be interviewing Dr. Graham Kash and Dr. Bettye Kash. So, […]