Day: February 2, 2022

Two Tech basketball players double team a SIUE player.

Austin Peay Defeats Tech in Close Game

Austin Peay defeated Tech 58-55 on Jan. 29. The leaders of the game for Tech were for points. Jr.Clay, Tech’s guard, scored 18 points and had a 50% field goal and a 87.5% free-throw. With rebounds, John Pettway, Tech’s guard, had five rebounds. Four of the rebounds were defensive and […]

Four members of the Backdoor Improv Troupe stand shoulder to shoulder as they reherse.

Practice, Even the Improv Troupe Needs It

In the hopes of bringing laughter, the Backdoor Improv Troupe is rehearsing for their spring semester season in the Jere Whitson Building every Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Backdoor Improv Troupe was established in November 2020 by its current president Briley Barnett, a junior communications major at Tech. […]