
Construction projects on schedule

Tech’s construction projects are currently on schedule, said President Oldham during Chat with the President on Jan. 27.


The two main facilities that will be ready this year are the fitness center and the lab sciences building. Additionally, renovation will begin on Bruner Hall, construction on Dixie Avenue, and a fire pit in the new green space behind the RUC.


“There’s a lot going on. We’ve completed a large portion of the campus master plan as it was five years ago. We’re in the process now of revising that master plan over the course of the next few months,” Oldham said.


An open house for the fitness center is scheduled for April 3, Oldham added. Construction crew broke ground in 2017.


The next project set to complete is the science lab and lecture hall. Capital Projects manager Dan Warren said there’s been no construction delays so far.


“There’s two separate structures. There’s the main lab itself and there’s a lecture hall that’s associated with it. The lecture hall is scheduled to come online in the summer, around the middle of July,” Warren said. “The lab building itself is supposed to come online in October, and everything is going according to plan there.”


The fitness center has been approved for a $53 million budget, the science building $93 million, and other projects $9 million.


Other projects include renovations to Cooper and Dunn Residents Hall, street improvements to Peachtree Avenue and Stadium Drive and a new clock tower for Derryberry Hall.